It's MSG for your head!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Racial Reproduction

             It is pretty much guaranteed that white people will officially become a minority when the next census is taken. 
Now, I have absolutely nothing against black people being in the majority.  I grew up thinking they already were, as I grew up outside Joliet, outside Chicago.  And I have nothing against Mexicans in abundance.  I’ve been through Texas, Arizona, southern California.  I’m guessing they’ve been the majority down there for at least a couple/few generations.  My only gripe with them is: one El Taco Taco is plenty per town.  And if the Asians took over maybe they would share their secrets with us.  Who knows?
All I’m saying is, what’s wrong with a little friendly competition?  All over the world outside the United States people riot over soccer games.  We can pull together as a nation and have a little friendly competition making babies.  I know it sounds silly and potentially dangerous for the planet when you put it like that.  I’m just saying, have you seen the size of the average Mexican family?  They’re Mexican and Catholic.  Double whammy.
            Our problem as white people is that the people who are the most vocal about being proud of their heritage are Nazis, skinheads, white supremacists.  We can’t rely on these people to perpetuate a friendly gene pool.  And basic human survival does entail getting along with people different than you.  So that’s counterproductive.
            We can’t hardly rely on the Catholics to pull through for the whole rest of the team.  Not anymore.  It ain’t like it used to be.  They’ve been slacking for awhile now.  And the government’s cracking down more and more on the poor Mormons.  Which is just silly.
            If every anglo religion saw it in their hearts to embrace bigomy, the Christians, the Catholics, Baptists, et cetera and so on, if every church took hold of the state by the collar and said, “Listen here, buddy boy!  Every man in this nation is entitled to as many wives as he can endure!  You will not obstruct this pursuit of happiness guaranteed us in the YOU – ESS constitution!” and we’d be right back in the ballgame. 
            I tell ya what, them churches would be full every Sunday.  That would get butts in the pews.  You’d get a whole new wave of Christian rejoicing.  Men comin’ into church talkin’ about, “You see?  That’s all I was sayin’!  I think we can get past this now!  I think we’re ready to let the healing begin!”

            Not everybody would agree with this philosophy.  But, that’s what makes America great.  Our endless variety of people and opinions.  Not everybody has to be right.  They just have to be heard, and their voice deserves to be heard.  As long as the right people, whether they are vocal or not, whether they are heard or not, legalize bigomy.  And, ya know, get us back in the ballgame.


  1. You know...I have pondered the realities of bigamy for many years, and as unpopular as it is for a WOMAN to see this practice as...well practical, is extremely unpopular, I get it! I really do! When I was married it often crossed my mind. I can't have any more children...More BABIES!! Extra hands for helping at home, friendship, camaraderie (lets face it, when a man is out numbered who is REALLY in control???) and general sense of community within ones home. If sex is the only real hangup, well perhaps this is just my little hippie liberal attitude but big whoop! long as I was getting my fair share of naked time I'd say go for it! :D But the world doesn't always think in the genius manner that we do! LOL

  2. I know a couple girls who embrace this kind of relationship.. they first met when the husband of one took the other one on for a mistress, and when they each found out about each other, they decided they liked each other more then either of them liked him. They've been together for years now, more or less, and from time to time they throw one man away and find a new one. I discovered this by being one of those guys. It was great for the two months it lasted, but I was heartbroken when I discovered how replaceable I was and they wondered on without so much as a single tear goodbye.
